Partnering for a sustainable and prosperous future



Asia’s remarkable economic and geopolitical transformation is reshaping our world. Shifting demographics and ever-advancing industrialization make the region more complex and dynamic than ever before. At a time when economics, politics, and ideology are both converging and competing, a deep understanding of Asia’s trends and trajectory is an indispensable asset.


- SESSION 23 -

Partnering for a sustainable and prosperous future


As geopolitical currents change and global trends transform, the countries of the “Global South” have become areas of great focus for both scholars and development practitioners alike. But to truly understand the potential of this diverse gathering of nations, we must look beyond the simple binary of power competition to understand how countries in the Global South offer new and exciting potential for cooperation, mutually beneficial partnerships, and supply chain diversification. Japan, one of the leaders in development assistance in Asia as well as Africa, South America, and beyond, provides an excellent example of partnerships that can work for all parties to solve both local and global issues.

For example, Japan continues to cooperate on quality infrastructure development with partnering countries in the Indo-Pacific to enhance regional connectivity. This includes both “hard” infrastructure like power facilities and trains, as well as “soft” infrastructure such as knowledge, technological expertise, and enhancement of trade and key regional frameworks.

Now, more than ever, the global economy has become interdependent calling for ambitious partnerships and frameworks to tackle issues that are not limited to the confines of national borders. For instance, to respond to the need for decarbonization, Japan has stepped forward with its inclusive Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) platform. This initiative aims to present tailored approaches for Asian countries to embark on their decarbonization journeys while taking into account local differences and specific economic sectors. With continued collaboration between contributing countries, this initiative could potentially serve as a model partnership for other regions to address cross-border issues and work towards a sustainable future that protects human dignity. more

However, even as Japan and its partners work toward improving infrastructure and tackling complex environmental issues, questions remain. For example, how do these countries and Japan work together to enhance existing partnerships and to make concrete frameworks for mutual, enduring prosperity? How can countries in the region better cooperate to combine their unique strengths? Furthermore, can models vital for sustainability such as AZEC be used as effectively in other areas like South America and beyond?

To delve into this complex issue, we have assembled a team of experts to better understand both the positions of countries in the greater Indo-Pacific and the role Japan continues to play on the world stage. Our discussion will be moderated by Mr. Walter Sim (The Straits Times, Japan Correspondent) and joined by Dr. Nilanjan Ghosh (Director, Centre for New Economic Diplomacy, & ORF Kolkata Centre, Observer Research Foundation), Dr. Nuki Agya Utama (Director for Energy Policy and the Head of the Asia Zero Emission Center [AZE Center], Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia [ERIA]), and Dr. Megumi Muto (Special Advisor to the President for Sustainability and Development Finance, Japan International Cooperation Agency [JICA]).

This 75-minute live webinar will include commentary, debate, and live Q&A from the audience. We hope that you can join us for what is sure to be a lively and insightful discussion about the interplay between Japan and its partners in infrastructure, decarbonization, and new areas for mutual cooperation.

Disclaimer:All comments, opinions and statements made by panelists and/or moderators appearing on the Asia Undercurrent series are their own and do not reflect the official policies nor positions of the Government of Japan and/or related entities.


Date & Time:

DECEMBER 19, 7:00AM [Washington D.C.]

New Delhi 5:30PM / Singapore8:00PM / Tokyo9:00PM
Live Streaming
Free of charge



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Nikkei Inc. The Government of Japan

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