Pre-registration is required.
Free of charge.


  • Title

    The 21st CSIS/NIKKEI Symposium
    'Shaping the Future: New Leadership in Japan, U.S. and Next Indo-Pacific Order'

  • Date & Time

    November 15(Fri), 2024, 9:30-13:00(JST, Tentative)


    (Participants will be notified later.)

  • Organized by

    The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
    Nikkei Inc.

  • In Cooperation with

    Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)

  • Fee

    Free of charge
    *Pre-registration with a selection process due to limited availability.

  • Registration Deadline

    IN PERSONNovember 10 (JST)

    ONLINE STREAMINGNovember 15, 12:00 (JST)



(as of September 20, 2024)

*Honorifics and titles omitted, names in no particular order.

**English and Japanese interpretations will be available.

***Agenda, speakers and themes are subject to change.

9:30 - 9:40

Opening Remarks

John Hamre

President and CEO, CSIS

9:45 - 10:45

[Session I] : Armitage-Nye Dialogue

Richard L. Armitage

President, Armitage International

Joseph S. Nye, Jr

University Distinguished Service Professor, Emeritus, Harvard University


Christopher B. Johnstone

Japan Chair, CSIS, Managing Principal, The Asia Group

10:50 - 11:50

[Session II] : Sino-U.S. Cooperation and Competition After U.S. Elections

Rush Doshi

Senior Fellow for Asia Studies and Director of the China Strategy Initiative, CFR

Bonny Lin

Director, China Power Project and Senior Fellow, Asian Security, CSIS

Takahara Akio

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Tokyo Woman's Christian University

Sahashi Ryo (Leading Commentator)

Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo

12:00 - 13:00

[Session III] : Great Power Competitions and Future of the Indo-Pacific.

Michael J. Green

CEO, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney

Ashok Malik

Partner and Chair of India Practice, The Asia Group

Daniel Russel

Vice President, Asia Society Policy Institute, Asia Society

Kitaoka Shinichi

Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo
Special Advisor to the President (former President), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


Akita Hiroyuki

Commentator, Nikkei

Organized by

In Cooperation with