日経バーチャルグローバルフォーラム|Nikkei Virtual Global Forum

日経バーチャル・グローバルフォーラム|Nikkei Virtual Global Forum 日経バーチャル・グローバルフォーラム|Nikkei Virtual Global Forum


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Nikkei Asian Review
日経バーチャル・グローバルフォーラム 日経バーチャル・グローバルフォーラム 日経バーチャル・グローバルフォーラム
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LIVE Streaming

2020 8 28
14:00 - 16:20 (日本時間)

Friday, August 28, 2020
14:00 - 16:20 (JST, GMT+9)

事前登録制、視聴無料Pre-application is required. Free of charge.

※ 日英同時通訳あり
* English and Japanese simultaneous interpretations will be available during this forum.

第8回の講師は慶應義塾大学教授の土屋 大洋氏 、第9回の講師は大和総研理事長の中曽 宏氏です。

From the economy to business, international relations and social norms, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic has become far more drastic than we had imagined.As the countries strive to respond, Nikkei has invited leaders and experts from Japan and abroad to deliver a series of online lectures titled “Nikkei Virtual Global Forum” on how Japan and the world will change and how we should prepare ourselves for those coming changes.
Motohiro Tsuchiya, Professor, Keio University and Hiroshi Nakaso, Chairman of the Institute, Daiwa Institute of Research will give a talk in Session 8 and 9.


土屋 大洋
土屋 大洋

Motohiro Tsuchiya Professor, Keio University Biography


中曽 宏
中曽 宏

Hiroshi Nakaso Chairman of the Institute, Daiwa Institute of Research Biography


中曽 宏

中曽 宏

Hiroshi Nakaso

Chairman of the Institute, Daiwa Institute of Research (DIR)

1978年日本銀行入行。97年信用機構課長、2003年金融市場局長、08年に日本銀行理事。13年日本銀行副総裁に就任。バブル崩壊後の日本の金融システム不安に対処したほか2007年~09年の国際金融危機時には各国中央銀行と協調して収拾に当たった。国際決済銀行(BIS)市場委員会、指標金利に関するBIS・経済諮問委員会ワーキンググループおよびG20コモディティ・スタディグループ等の議長を歴任。18年大和総研理事長就任(現職)。19年 東京国際金融機構(FinCity. Tokyo)会長就任。

Hiroshi Nakaso was appointed chairman of the Daiwa Institute of Research (DIR) in July 2018 after completing his term as Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan. He served as the Deputy Governor of the BOJ since March 2013. In his 39 years at the Bank, his main responsibilities have been crisis management of financial systems and markets focusing on global systems.
Mr. Nakaso joined the Bank of Japan in 1978. He dealt with the homegrown financial crisis of the 1990s. He headed the exit operation from the Quantitative Easing Policy, a prototypical unconventional policy that lasted from 2001 to 2006. In addition, he played an instrumental role in addressing the Global Financial Crisis together with his peers at major central banks including the FRB.
He has participated in numerous international meetings, and during his terms as Director-General of the Financial Markets Department and Assistant Governor, he chaired the BIS Markets Committee and Working Group on Financial Reference Rates, the G20 Study Group on Commodities and several other international forums.
Nakaso was appointed chairman of a new organization to promote Tokyo as a global financial center. The new organization is known by its abbreviated name, “FinCity Tokyo”.


土屋 大洋

土屋 大洋

Motohiro Tsuchiya

Professor, Keio University

慶應義塾大学総合政策学部長、教授。1999年慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科後期博士課程修了。博士(政策・メディア)。2019年10月より現職。14年3月から15年2月まで米国イースト・ウエスト・センター客員研究員。19年4月より日本経済新聞客員論説委員を兼任。第15回中曽根康弘賞受賞。主な著書に「サイバー・テロ 日米vs.中国」(文藝春秋、12年)、「サイバーセキュリティと国際政治」(千倉書房、15年)、「暴露の世紀」(角川新書、16年)、「アメリカ太平洋軍の研究」(編著、千倉書房、18年)など。

Dr. Motohiro Tsuchiya is dean and professor of Faculty of Policy Management at Keio University in Japan. He is also serving as guest editorialist of Nikkei since April 2019. He authored Intelligence and National Security (Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2007, in Japanese), Cyber Terror (Tokyo: Bungeishunju, 2012, in Japanese), Cyber Security and International Relations (Tokyo: Chikura Shobo, 2015, in Japanese) and co-authored Cybersecurity: Public Sector Threats and Responses (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2012) and 20 other books. He earned his BA in political science, MA in international relations, and Ph.D. in media and governance from Keio University. He received 15th Nakasone Yasuhiro Award in 2019.


田中 明彦

田中 明彦

Akihiko Tanaka

President, The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

1981年マサチューセッツ工科大学Ph.D.(政治学)。 1984年東京大学教養学部助教授、1990年東京大学東洋文化研究所助教授、 1998年東京大学東洋文化研究所教授、2000年東京大学大学院情報学環教授、 2002年東京大学東洋文化研究所所長、2009年東京大学理事・副学長、 2011年同副学長、2012年−2015年国際協力機構(JICA)理事長、2015年東京大学東洋文化研究所教授、 2017年4月より現職。専門分野は国際政治理論、開発協力、アジアの国際政治、日本外交。 著書に『新しい「中世」』(日本経済新聞社、1996年、サントリー学芸賞受賞)、 『ワード・ポリティクス』(筑摩書房、2000年、読売・吉野作造賞受賞)、 『アジアのなかの日本』(NTT出版、2007年)など。2012年に紫綬褒章受章。

Akihiko Tanaka is President of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS). Before assuming the current position, he had been Professor of International Politics at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo, for many years. He served as President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) from April, 2012 to September, 2015. Mr. Tanaka was also Executive Vice President of The University of Tokyo (2009-2011). He is Chairman of the Board, Japan for UNHCR and a Distinguished Fellow at the JICA Research Institute. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in International Relations at the University of Tokyo in 1977 and Ph.D. in Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1981. He has numerous books and articles on world politics and security issues in Japanese and English including The New Middle Ages: The World System in the 21st Century (Tokyo: The International House of Japan, 2002) and Japan in Asia: Post-Cold-War Diplomacy (Tokyo: Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017). He received the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2012 for his academic achievements.
