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株主からステークホルダーへ 〜コーポレート・ガバナンスの未来





梶原 誠

梶原 誠


梶原 誠

梶原 誠


Commentator, Nikkei Inc.

2015年から2017年までは香港を拠点とする編集委員を務め、日本経済新聞やNikkei Asian Review でアジア全域の記事を執筆してきた。
1994年から1997年は韓国のソウルに駐在し、政治・経済・社会・北朝鮮情勢など、朝鮮半島での全ての分野を担当している。 早大商学部卒、韓国・延世大語学院卒。

Mr. Kajiwara is a commentator for Nikkei. His focus is global capital markets and corporate news.
In 2007 Mr. Kajiwara became the Nikkei’s youngest editorial writer. From 2009 to 2011 he was on special assignment in New York to cover the post-crash American economy. From 2015 to 2017, he was a Hong Kong based columnist covering economic news across Asia. He returned to Tokyo in 2017.
From 2002 to 2006 he was the Nikkei’s chief New York correspondent, where he was responsible for covering capital markets and corporate news.
Previous to that, he served as a staff writer in the Capital Market and Corporate News Department in Tokyo from 1997 to 2002 and as a correspondent in the newspaper’s Seoul bureau from 1994 to 1997.
Mr. Kajiwara graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Japan’s Waseda University in 1988 and joined Nikkei in the same year. He also studied Korean at Yonsei University in South Korea from 1992 to 1993.





Chair of the Editorial Board and Editor-at-Large,
US, Financial Times

2015年に、英国の上位10大学の1つであるランカスター大学より名誉博士号を授与される。2014年には、British Press Awardsの「Columnist of the Year (年間最優秀コラムニスト)」に選ばれ、Royal Anthropological Institute(王立人類学会)「Marsh Award」の第1回受賞者となる。最も優れた特集記事に贈られる「SABEW Award」(2012年)、British Academy(英国学士院)の「President’s Medal(院長賞)」(2011年)を受賞。
British Press Awards の「Journalist of the Year(年間最優秀ジャーナリスト)」(2009年)、「Business Journalist of the Year (年間最優秀ビジネスジャーナリスト)」(2008年)、ならびにWincott Awards の「Senior Financial Journalist of the Year (年間最優秀シニア金融ジャーナリスト)」(2007年)に選出される。
2009年6月には、著書「Fool’s Gold (愚者の黄金―大暴走を生んだ金融技術)」が、初開催のSpear’s Book Awards で「Financial Book of the Year (フィナンシャル・ブック・オブ・ジ・イヤー)」を受賞。
2015年9月にSimon & Schuster 社から発売された新著「Silo Effect (サイロ・エフェクト)」では、文化人類学の視点から世界の経済・金融システムを考察している。

Gillian Tett is Chair, Editorial Board, and Editor-at-large, US at the Financial Times.
She previously served as US Managing Editor, leading the Financial Times’ editorial operations in the region across all platforms. She writes weekly columns for the FT, covering a range of economic, financial, political and social issues throughout the globe. Ms. Tett served as Assistant Editor, US Managing Editor from 2010 to 2012, and prior to this Assistant Editor responsible for the FT’s markets coverage. Other roles at the FT have included Capital Markets Editor, Deputy Editor of the Lex column, Tokyo Bureau Chief, Tokyo Correspondent, London-based economics reporter and a reporter in Russia and Brussels. In 2014, she was named Columnist of the Year in the British Press Awards and also received the Royal Anthropological Institute Marsh Award. She is the author of The Silo Effect: Why Putting Everything In Its Place Isn’t Such A Bright Idea (Simon & Schuster, 2015), New York Times bestseller Fool’s Gold: How Unrestrained Greed Corrupted a Dream, Shattered Global Markets and Unleashed a Catastrophe (Little Brown, UK and Simon and Schuster, US, 2009), and Saving the Sun: A Wall Street Gamble to Rescue Japan from Its Trillion Dollar Meltdown (Harper Collins, 2003). Before joining the FT in 1993, Ms. Tett was awarded a PhD in Social Anthropology from Cambridge University, where she also earned her Bachelor’s degree.


榎戸 教子

榎戸 教子

BSテレ東「日経プラス10」 キャスター

"Nikkei Plus 10" anchor, BS TV TOKYO

静岡県出身。大学時代にスペイン国立サラマンカ大学へ留学。さくらんぼテレビ、テレビ大阪のアナウンサーを経て2008年より経済キャスターに。 現在、BSテレ東「日経プラス10」(月曜~金曜夜10時~)、「NIKKEI日曜サロン」(日曜朝9時30分〜)に出演中。企業経営者のインタビュー経験も豊富。趣味はランニング、ウクレレ。

Born in Shizuoka Prefecture. After working as an announcer at Sakuranbo TV and TV Osaka, she became an economic news anchor in 2008. She is currently appearing on BS TV TOKYO "Nikkei Plus 10" (Monday through Friday from 10:00 p.m.) and "NIKKEI Sunday Salon" (Sunday from 9:30 a.m.). She has extensive experience in interviewing corporate executives. Her hobbies are running and Ukulele.
